The day of the earthquake, I was comfortably sleeping. That was my last day of working (after working for 2 months) so I drank a few beers.
I awoke with a loud noise in my house and I got up quickly. I ran to my living room and there was my cat screaming! I picked it up and we left out of the house. My neighbor was crying and screaming, and there was much noise around. My mother, my brother and his girlfriend were on the second floor and we asked me "Are you okay?". "Yes, I'm fineeee!", I told them. When the moving stopped, I got to see them with a candle. They were fine, too.
Then, we heard radio. Nobody knew what had really happened. I couldn't get back to sleep so I began to order the last things of my suitcase... the next day I had to travel to Buenos Aires with my girlfriend.