martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

My English learning experience in the University

My English learning experience in the University

My English learning experience in the university has been a nice experience, but it has been some complications. I’m not a very knowledgeable in this language. I have a “poor” vocabulary, and still I don’t wide the correct verbal forms... my pronunciation is horrible too jaja! The worrying of this is that I’m not only on this situation. Like me are many students. For that, I’ think that it’s necessary a better methodology to work with people less expert. I’m a person less expert.

Why it’s necessary a better methodology?

At the university enter people from very different social realities. In our country, it means that enter people from very different educational realities too. Some people are more learned than others. This is due that education differences in our country are really appalling. The most of people that enter to the best universities of Chile are from private schools, from very expensive and exclusive schools. Moreover, for their socioeconomic condition, this people have more “english experience” that other people... like me, for example.

However, the english diagnostic exam of the university put in the same group people with very unequal levels of knowledge. Although it can help to learn this language, the most part of the time it generated many difficult to learn english due the great different levels of knowledge of the students. That is clear in the class room: some people participate much, and others we stay in silence the most part of the time.

For these reasons, I think that it’s necessary a new methodology that integrated to people “less expert” in moments where it can less difficult to participate in the class. For example, it can be making new sections, new course; not only have four coursed levels. Definitely, it’s necessary to implement a better work methodology.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

If I would wealthy :)

If I would have a lot of money I don’t know if I would be really happy, but I would be a little closer to “the happiness”. I'm not saying that money makes the happiness, but I think that it help so much. I think that to have enough money to live in peace is very important to have confidence and security in other things of the life.
For me, money means something very important: independence. Therefore, money isn’t just money: it means oportunities in our lifes. But, this “thing” must be with caution, because to have a lot of money can be a big problem. I would not be happy making a lot of money without being able to see my friends or my family or my children in the future. So, I think that if I would rich, if I would wealthy, I will be close the happiness, but this happiness it would not be assured.
Now, if I would a great millionaire like Piñera jajaja, or if I would win the KINO, I would leave my money in the bank and I live of the interests. I would buy beautiful homes for my mom, for my dad, for my brothers and for some friends. Also, I would buy an apartment in Buenos Aires, and I would deliver some of my money to the soccer club Universidad de Chile, for they buy good players and we would be champions of the Libertadores Cup, before so much years of suffering.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

How green I am?

It's a great question, I had never made that question before. Well, I think I'm "a little green". Usually I don't trow garbage in the street or in public places, and I try to save energy all the time: always I turn off lights and electric households that nobody is using, I drink water in glass (not directly from water valve), and I scold my friends and family when they don't do the same. I say that I'm "a little green" because I do just these small actions, and I could do so much more. For example, I could recycle paper, plastics or organic waste, or I would participate of any eco-organisation... and I don't do that :S

I think recycling habits it must be incorporated from the first years of our life, in the family, in the primary school. If we don't recycle, if we don't limit our energy spends, the planet will be destroy in a few decades. According some research of Green Peace (, climate change is a reality more and more dangerous actually, thanks the toxic pollution that it generated for the unlimited activity of the big companies of the world. We, the normal people, can fight against this with public repudiation expressions and with "little" actions like I mentioned before. That is a big problem. We must to take consideration it.

I think that it's a legislation and education problem. Legislation problem because it's in reference to legal limitations of the productive activity of the companies. Our legislative power must to stablish clearly laws on this topic; laws that protect the nature against the economic overbearing activity. And this is a education problem because it's in reference to our daily lifes, with our "little" actions of everydays. We must incorporate green habits in all our activities.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

My high school experience

Hello everyone!
I'm gonna to talk to you about my experience in the high school. Really, this has been a great experience, but a bit complicated. I'm studying sociology. Sociology is a wonderfull career, I was lucky to choose this scientific discipline. But this have a problem: it's a very ambiciuos science, it don't have clearly its study field, its study subject. Sociology want to do and to know everything: the culture, power relations, organization ways, social movements, comsuption ways, demographic information, etc., etc., etc. For this, I think sociology is a indefinite science... who much cover, who a bit clutched.
If you ask me what career I would study if I were 18 years old, I would answer psychology... psychology specializing in social psychology (the same thing that sociology jajajaja!). Yes, I would answer that because I think psychology is more clear than sociology; it's less ambiciuos, but it's more convincing.
I think that 17 or 18 years old people aren't prepared to decide what to do for the rest of their lives. At 17 years old you are just a boy/girl. For this, I would say to authorities that they must change system of enter to high school (apart from unequal enter mecanism like PSU). People -in general- need more time to decide what career to study after secundary.
Anyway, I think every person are responsable of their education process, and of their decisions. The important is to admit when you make a mistake, and you must reaction to improve this. Never is later to change or to correct a bad decision :)

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

I want parents like these!

According to a research released this week in UK, and publicated in Guardian newspaper online, british parents are more relax than before about the consumption of alcohol, drugs and sex practice in the adolescent. The research, aplicated to parents of UK, showed that a third of them think these things are an inevitable part of growing up.

25% of the parents admitted they let their children to drink at home from ten years old, and almost a 30% think consumption of cannabis is a normal stage of life. Moreover, the most of them admitted that the virginity is almost imposible after 15 years old.

This phenomenom is asociated to a cultural change in british society, where the parents think that is necesary that boys and girls must have new experiences. Now, "families have become surprisingly open-minded about allowing their children to experiment and find their own way in life", said Frank Furedi, professor of sociology of University of Kent.

I dont' know if I'm so "liberal mind" like british parents (not like to admit that my children drink alcohol from ten years old jajaja!) but I think these things are completly normal in the life of people. Sometimes is well to drink a few of beer with friends to share a great moment, a great conversation. And sometimes is well to smoke some "gift of the nature" to relax and stop our stress-full lifes, too. Off course, I think all excess is bad.

¿And the sex? Sex is the better experience of the life, ¿¡why supress in it!? People must to decide when and with who have sex, it isn't matter their years old. On this point, I think that I would a very "liberal mind parent"... more than british parents :)

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

My favourite movie

My favourite movie is "Big Fish", a film of 2003 year direct by Tim Burton, the same director of "Edward Scissorhands" ("The Scissorhands Boy" translate to spanish), "Sweeney Todd" and the famous "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
The first time I saw that movie was with my sister-in-law, in VHS jajaja! ... we cried long minutes after that, like two little childs, because this masterpiece is just wonderful.

Edward Bloom (Edward like the scissorhands boy, one of the many coincidences between the movies of Burton) is the main-character, played for Ewan McGregor (Obi Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars" I, II and III; and Mark Renton in "Trainspotting")) . He's a man that gives magic to every experience of his life, every time that he tells them. Just for this reason his son, Will, thinks he's crazy and lying, and the day of his marriage he got angry when his father stood up to tell the story of his birth, the story of a big fish. From that day, they let of speak for many years... until Edward dead's day. That day, Edward tells Will the "truth" of his life.
The beauty of this story is that it reconstruct Edward's life with wonderful little stories fill of charm and special characters. My favourite character is the witch that finally love to Edward, but she isn't correspond: Edward love Will's mother. Sad, because the witch was very pretty :)
But, without any doubt, the best of "Big Fish" is its finally scene... but I'll not tell you!! The idea is you see this movie. I promess you will not regret.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Santiago, the best city of Chile

A lot of people would say I'm crazy, but I think that Santiago is a wonderful place. I love its streets, fill of lights and noises. If you visit Santiago, the first place that you must visit is Bellavista neighborhood at friday's night. This place is fill of pubs, discoteques, theaters, and much. You can drink beer and dance with your friends until 5 a.m., this is very funny. Moreover, for the kids, in the same Bellavista neighborhood is the Metropolitan Zoo. It's an amazing place; it has more of 1.000 animals of 158 diferent species. Well, if you are in Santiago, you can't lose a football clasical match between Universidad of Chile and Colo-Colo in the National Stadium. It's the most important sport event of the country. The stadium is fill of people singing and screaming for their soccer team, with a lot of flags and artificial fires. The most beautiful experience of your life will be to be in Los de Abajo, the supporters of Universidad of Chile. Well, if you like more quiet prospect, I recommend to walk across the Forestal Park at sunday's afternoon. This day you can asist to puppets performance meanwhile you enjoy a delicious Emporio de la Rosa's ice cream of many weird tastes. Sometimes, you can asist to excelents theater performances at a side of Bellas Artes Museum. All of them, except the ice cream, absolutely free.Finally, you can travel to the south of the city in the 210 bus. This travel is all a mobile party, with music players and many fun (and drunk) people.