lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

My blog experience

Write a blog was very fun for me, especially because the topics chosen were very interesting. I don’t talk about these commonly, and it was nice treat at this time.

I think that a blog is a good chance to improve our way of writing in english, but it’s necessary to take it more seriously, with a greater commitment, and try to make it without the help of online translators jajaja! Like any form of generating knowledge, it can be good if people put all their effort and commitment to practice them. I assume that I lacked a bit of effort in this.

But, in general, write a blog was a good experience. I had fun thinking about each subjects and reading what my classmates wrote. Considering my fellow students and career, I realized that there are many things that I didn't know about them, simple things that we never talked. On the other hand, considering my colleagues from other courses and careers, I met new points of view on things, very interesting opinions to share. I think that is the great strength of this experience: sharing, show our points of view and listen the point of views of others.

Anyway, I think that I will not continue writing, either on this or any blog. I like be a little anonymous, that only the people closest to me know what I do, feel and think. I'm not saying that those who have a blog are few discrete
and need to scream to the world their private lives. No. It just isn’t something appropriate with my personality (this may be because I didn’t grow up with computer and internet). Anyway, it was nice writing here.

Now, I just hope that come holidays. I will sleep a lot the first days, and then I find a part-time job to save money and visit my niece in Valparaiso. There are only three weeks.

Good luck everybodyl!

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you, it was fun to read what our colleagues thought about the different topics.
    and I won't keep the blog.

    It was fun to know you a little bit more :)
