She will be my first niece, the smallest “little person” of my family. I’m very excited about her birth, but I'm also a little sad because I'm not sure if I can be with her on this important day, as she will be born in Valparaiso, 120 miles away. Anyway, I hope visit her very often, even though it will be expensive.
I love this image. The photographer was the doctor jajaja! She looks like her mother Evelyn, especially in his chin and mouth. Also, I hope she will be so nice and funny like her, and that she inherits the intelligence of my brother Cristian.
The last weekend I visited them. It was nice, I had fun. Evelyn is very fat jajaja! ... obviously due the baby. She moves very slow and gets tired quickly. She said that she gets bored much because she spend all day at home watching national television, without going to walk or work. (It's assumed that on monday she was going to hire cable television). She showed me all the clothes of the baby, and it's very pretty. My niece will be seen beautiful with all those clothes.
My brother Cristian appears to be quiet, but I think that he is a bit anxious (there is little time for the great day!) Anyway, he looks very happy for his first child. He is a great person, taught me important things that I hope Violetita will learn too... Nobody teaches you to be parent. That can only be learned in the practice. But I think that the most important thing is to put love in every day and every moment of the family life. The house of Evelyn and my brother is full of love... I'm sure that they will be excellent parents.

Your first niece! you will spoil her, I know!
ResponderEliminarI hope that everything works out in her birthday :)
your niece is lovely
ResponderEliminari hope that she is very good...
really this is the best photo that you could have put here...
see you
simply: notable