According to a research released this week in UK, and publicated in Guardian newspaper online, british parents are more relax than before about the consumption of alcohol, drugs and sex practice in the adolescent. The research, aplicated to 3.ooo parents of UK, showed that a third of them think these things are an inevitable part of growing up.
25% of the parents admitted they let their children to drink at home from ten years old, and almost a 30% think consumption of cannabis is a normal stage of life. Moreover, the most of them admitted that the virginity is almost imposible after 15 years old.
This phenomenom is asociated to a cultural change in british society, where the parents think that is necesary that boys and girls must have new experiences. Now, "families have become surprisingly open-minded about allowing their children to experiment and find their own way in life", said Frank Furedi, professor of sociology of University of Kent.
I dont' know if I'm so "liberal mind" like british parents (not like to admit that my children drink alcohol from ten years old jajaja!) but I think these things are completly normal in the life of people. Sometimes is well to drink a few of beer with friends to share a great moment, a great conversation. And sometimes is well to smoke some "gift of the nature" to relax and stop our stress-full lifes, too. Off course, I think all excess is bad.
¿And the sex? Sex is the better experience of the life, ¿¡why supress in it!? People must to decide when and with who have sex, it isn't matter their years old. On this point, I think that I would a very "liberal mind parent"... more than british parents :)
More antecedents in http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/oct/05/parents-open-alcohol-drugs-sex
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